Fun things might happen anytime anywhere as I roam the globe.
Stay tuned!

Friday, September 07, 2007

Flashback from the past

In 1980 the disco fever swept over Stockholm and the most important stop for a young radio pirate was Woolfi’s Impossible Record Shop. Now those times are long gone, but this summer Woolfi opened his shop again to clear his stock of vinyl before his retirement. 27 years after the disco days I walked the streets of Stockholm one last time with the legendary Woolfi's logo bag in my hand. It was filled with 7" disco vinyl, like in the old days.

Thursday, December 14, 2006


Suger i mig av kulturen när jag går förbi Museum of Radio and Television i Hilversum, Holland.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Go jul!

Nu är det jul igen. Det gäller att vara ute i god tid. Det är nice väder i Madrid och julen känns något tidig.